Outpatient alcohol rehab is a powerful and effective treatment for individuals and families facing alcohol addiction and its challenges. Since March of 2020, the Covid pandemic has created two significant changes: (1.) Recent studies have shown alcohol use has made large increases. (2.) In-person and in-patient services have become difficult and, at times, not possible. With these two facts in mind, online alcohol treatment has become a vital, life-saving tool for those seeking intensive outpatient rehab.
Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Considerations
Available for years, outpatient alcohol rehab has a proven track record of success in the treatment of addiction. Alcohol addiction like other chronic diseases often requires follow-up and extended treatment. Those needing further treatment following inpatient and/or outpatient rehab are roughly the same as those seeking treatment for other chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and some cancers: 40-60%.
A few advantages of outpatient alcohol rehab include:
- Developing a team while still navigating your daily life
- The ability to work if family and finances rely on your pay check
- Targeting negative behaviors and establishing positive habits in real time
A few indicators you need to evaluate before choosing outpatient rehab:
- You anticipate signficant physical symptoms and/or withdrawal
- Living circumstances leave you surrounded by alcohol and/or you lack a strong support system
- You have tried rehab before and are abusing alcohol again
- You have a court ordered rehab
Intensive Outpatient Alcohol Rehab has shown success rates that mirror those of in-patient rehab. With this in mind, an initial evaluation of your risk factors and assets is vital. A qualified counselor can help you choose the path which provides you with your best shot at rehab success.
Online Alcohol Treatment
Online Alcohol Treatment has changed the landscape of addiction therapy. Cell phones, text messaging, and video conferencing have added a crucial leg of support to those in recovery. Never has there been more help available at the touch of a finger for those in recovery.
Telehealth services go the extra step of providing professionals skilled in treating families and individuals facing the challenges of addiction. The last 2 years have revealed the need for and effectiveness of online rehab services. Telehealth therapy with skilled professionals is just as effective as in-person, saves time and money, and provides greater scheduling convenience.
Levels of telehealthcare available through treatment centers can include: Adult Education Programs (AEP), Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP), Continuing Care Programs, Concerned Persons Programs, Adolescent Services, Couples Services, and Individual Therapy one-on-one with a professional therapist.
Are These Options Best for Me?
If you or a loved one are facing the battle of addiction, it is vital you have a team and a support system in place. The ongoing pandemic has helped to highlight how effective online alcohol treatment services can be. Telehealth is exceptional at helping individuals battling alcohol addiction to implement behavioral changes and develop habits in the natural course of their life.
Perhaps the greatest benefit of online therapy at this time is the continuity of support. If parties are restricted due to Covid, work, or familial concerns therapy and support will continue.
If you are seeking support for yourself or your family, we would love to visit and discuss your options. Our skilled professionals will help you determine the best level of care. Most clients are able to begin treatment on the day of their call.
Getting the best in outpatient alcohol rehab has never been easier. Help and support services are a phone call away. Don’t put it off any longer. Contact us today! Reclaim your life from addiction!
Call 502-451-1221 or email tmcinfo@themortoncenter.org
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